Our Crich

Our Crich provides news, events, information and a business directory for the Village of Crich

About Our Crich

Our Crich provides an online gateway to the village of Crich in Derbyshire

Whether you are looking for news, events, education, heathcare, local business, charities, local groups, shops, leisure, dining out or access to local government services, Our Crich will point you in the right direction.

Our Crich is owned and operated by Amber Valley Info which provides a similar gateway to the borough of Amber Valley and can be found at www.ambervalley.info

If you would like to register details of your company, organisation or provide other information about the Amber Valley area then please use our registrations page

We have additional registration pages for Events, Press Releases & Photos

Local News

Crich Tramway Village Back on Track Crich Tramway Village, home to the National Tramway Museum, has been fully op... read more

Archbishop leads hilltop prayers in Derbyshire The Archbishop of Canterbury led prayers at Crich Stand during a v... read more

Tram Operations Delayed at Crich Tramway Village Crich Tramway Village, home to the National Tramway Museum, has ... read more

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